Now that the Grands are in the rearview, tis the season for annual changes. Riders will be making their “farewell addresses,” as they move on from BMX to other life endeavors. And teams will reshuffle their list of sponsors.
The first such team is Donavon Long’s squad, announcing today that they will be making the move to form a new Hyper Bicycles Factory Team. Joining Big D in the new colors will be his son, Nic, who announced he would be leaving Haro, and was photographed in a Hyper jersey, with some of the other team riders on Sunday, in Tulsa.
Hyper put out the following “Stoke Statements” on the new partnership:
I couldn’t be more excited to be working with Hyper Bike Company. This sport has given our family so many great opportunities and today we step into the future with Hyper. The team riders are excited to be representing an iconic BMX brand, and I am excited to be able to have my son Nic Long in the program. Look for us at the track as we build this sport together.
-Donavon Long

Photo by James Pennucci
Funny the way the world works sometimes, and the way things always tend to go full circle. After a decade, I’m right back where it all started with my dad and I keeping the dream alive. With Hyper Bicycles, there’s a lot of opportunities to help build the sport and give back to the community and kids with the team, school programs, training clinics, and more. I feel that with the knowledge and experience my dad and myself bring to the table, this will be just the beginning of an unstoppable new force in BMX racing.
-Nic Long
I am extremely happy to have signed a multiple year agreement at the USABMX Grands over the weekend to launch the new Hyper Factory BMX Race Team and announcing Donavan Long as the Team Manager. Donavan’s success with multiple National Team Titles under his belt aligns perfectly with our goal of contending for our first USABMX National Team Title. Hyper’s foundation was built on BMX Racing and we are committed to help grow the sport of BMX.
—Clay Goldsmid, Owner/CEO
Congratulations to all involved on the new partnership. We will certainly be watching for the Hyper-mounted team at the Silver Dollar Nationals in Las Vegas on Jan 10.