Advertise With Us
“I’d like to advertise on News…How do I go about it?”
Welcome to a select-group of savvy marketers and thought leaders in the sport of BMX Racing. These brands value breaking news-level, original reporting via an online platform.
As an advertiser-supported outlet, our readers are especially-grateful to those brands that make sure the proverbial lights stay-on around here, and keep the news flowing to them for free.
It could not be easier to get an ad campaign started.
BMX News offers one ad package, which we fittingly call the “Basic Campaign.” Everyone gets the same number of ad positions, and roughly the same number of impressions over a quarter, or the annual duration of a campaign.
Download the Ad Spec Sheet for Unit Sizes and Mechanical Specs.
Two Payment Options are Available.
$1995 per year, billed annually
$625 per three-month quarter
There are a select number of “Premium Placements” available. They include:
* Race Coverage Sponsor
* Announcers Tower Podcast Sponsor
* Beginner Section Sponsorship (May 2021)
Contact us if one of the above is of interest.
If you’re ready to proceed, please use the menu below to select your preferred campaign.
As soon as you complete your payment, please start developing your creative, using the ad spec sheet PDF. The instructions on where to send the ad units and links where they should point, are in the PDF.
The next step will be a call to talk about your goals, and how we can help you fulfill them…and, again, WELCOME ABOARD!
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I Do One Month to Try it Out? Sorry, but we do not offer monthly campaigns. Why? Because one month of “trying it out” is not enough to get you any results. We want this investment to pay off for you, and for that to happen you need at least three months of repetition, then, more.
Can I Make Monthly Payments? We are a small office here, so we don’t have the personnel to do monthly payment plans. Sure, through the marvels of technology, we COULD do them, but it takes us just as long to set up a monthly campaign as it does for an annual.
And then we have to monitor all the “declines” every month, and then be bill collectors. No thanks. Our advice: save up three months as if you were paying monthly, and come in for a quarterly campaign once you have the $625 together.
I think I want to do it, but I need to show my wife/accountant/partner/minister. Can you send me a proposal that really “sells” it? For all the twists and turns in life, the two of us have ended up in this exact place, at this exact time.
BMX News is here because we love BMX Racing, and love reporting the news that concerns the community. You love BMX as well, and have a product or service the BMX News readership needs to know about, or be reminded about on a regular basis.
That’s about as good a pitch as we can make, so feel free to copy-paste this into an email, and send it to the appropriate party.
What are you going to do for me, editorially, if we buy an ad?. Even in the micro-world of BMX Racing, we still believe in the “church and state” relationship between advertising and editorial. So, we do not “sell” our editorial to advertisers in exchange for an ad buy.
That said, we believe our advertisers to be among the most forward-thinking brands in the sport. Naturally, we want to work with them to develop stories that will interest our readers. So, to borrow a phrase, “if the feeling’s right and the music’s tight…disco night!”
How much traffic do you get? / How large is your audience?. As noted above, BMX News is a website that covers the BMX Racing community. If you are joining the show, already in progress, BMX Racing is a *very* small niche of a sport.
BMXers are deeply passionate about what we do, and BMX families tend to spend more than would otherwise be accepted as reasonable on bike parts, gear, travel and other BMX-related cool stuff. Drive two hours to practice on a Wednesday night? No problem!
That’s where advertising on BMX News comes in…to keep BMX families constantly-aware of what your brand is up to, and get them to buy YOUR cool stuff.
Let us repeat: BMX Racing is a niche sport. We know, that sounds like some double-talk, right there (because that’s what it feels like writing it). But if you’re here, you understand why we have to say that (again)…because we want to be truthful with you.
The simple question back to you is: Do you believe BMX News is worth $48 per week (or less) to have your products or services promoted on this website? If the answer is “no,” that’s fine, and we can all move on. But if the answer is “Yes,” we’re ready to get going in a BIG way! So, check out the button above and get your campaign started today.
Mike Carruth
Publisher and Editor
[email protected]